Act 13 of1993 - 1 March 1994

Arrangement of sections


Short title



Establishment of the Advisory Council

Functions of the Advisory council

Constitution of the Advisory Council

Meetings of the Advisory Council

Appointment of committees


The National Parks and Conservation


The Director of National Parks and

Conservation Service

Functions of the Director


Proclamation of National Parks and other


Buffer Zones for reserved lands

Management plans for reserved land

Licences and leases on reserved land


Protected wildlife


Trading in prescribed wildlife


hunting of game

Game licences

Restrictions on issue of game licences

Transfer of game licences

Introduction of animals

Camarons and shrimps


National Parks and Conservation Fund


Offences and Penalties

Power of officers in relation to offenders

Powers of entry, search, seizure and arrest




Coordination with other laws


Transitional provisions


To amend and consolidate the law relating to the conservation and management of wildlife and

to provide for the preservation of National Parks


1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the wildlife and National Parks Act 1993

2 Interpretation

In this Act-

"Advisory Council" means the wildlife and National Parks Advisory Council established under section 3;

"animal" includes any animal or animal parts or derivatives, fish, aquatic animal, shellfish, shell, coral or egg;

"authorised officer means a public officer authorised by the Permanent Secretary to carry out the functions specified in this Act,

"buffer zone" means an area of land declared as such under section 12;

"camaron" means the native freshwater crustacea known as Macrobrachium lar,

Macrobrachium australe or Macrobrachium hirtimanus;

"close season", in relation to any game, means a period during which hunting of that game is prohibited ;

"Director means the Director of the National Parks and Conservation service;

"Fund" means the National Parks and Conservation Fund established under section 25;

" game" means the wildlife specified in the First Schedule

"game licence" means a licence issued under section 20;

"hunt" includes kill, shoot, trap, capture, disturb or molest;

"hunting equipment" means any gun, weapon, implement, apparatus, or material which can be used to hunt wildlife or take any product thereof ;

"land" includes land covered by the sea or other waters, and the part of the sea or those waters covering that land, and the atmosphere above the surface of that land, and extends downwards to the centre of the earth;

"member means a member of the Wildlife and National Parks Advisory Council;

"Minister means the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources;

"national park" means any land declared as such under section 11;

"nature reserve" has the same meaning as in the Forest and Reserves Act 1993 .,

"officer means an officer of the National Parks and Conservation service, a police officer, forest officer or fisheries officer

"Permanent Secretary" means the Permanent Secretary. of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources;

"plant" includes any member of the vegetable kingdom, as well as bark charcoal, creepers, fibres, firewood, fruit, grass, seeds, spices, seaweed, algae, seagrass, and any other thing that may be severed from or derived from a plant;

"prescribed species of wildlife"' means species of wild life prescribed for the purposes of section 17 (1);

"products", in relation of wildlife, includes -

(a) the carcass;

(b) any material obtained from the carcass;

(c) any egg or nest of that form of wildlife;

"protected wildlife" means wildlife, other than game and the wild life specified in the Second Schedule;

"reserved land" means any land declared to be a national park or other reserve under section11;

"Service" means the National Parks and Conservation service established under section 8;

"shrimp" means the native freshwater crustacea known as caridina atrya or ortmania;

"structure" includes any fence, road, building, bench, table, fireplace, path marker, boundary marker, sign or any other item built or placed with approval within reserved land;

"symbol" means any logo, design or pattern as may be adopted by the Service and published in the Gazette;

"vehicle" includes any means of transportation in the air, on land or in, or on, water;

"wildlife" includes -

(a) any living creature except -

(1) a human being,

(ii) a dog or cat;

(iii) domestic livestock,

(iv) fish within the meaning of the Fisheries Act;

(b) such plants as may be prescribed.


3 Establishment of the Advisory Council

There is established, for the purposes of this Act, a Wildlife and National Parks Advisory council.

4 Functions of the Advisory Council

The Advisory Council shall advise the Minister -

(a) on any matter related to wildlife, national parks and other reserved land, and conservation generally;

(b) in relation to the administration of this Act;

(c) on any matter referred to it by the Minister.

5. Constitution of the Advisory Council

(i) The Advisory Council shall consist of-

(a) a Chairman appointed by the Minister;

(b) the Permanent Secretary or his representative;

( c) a representative of the Fisheries division of the Ministry;

(d) a representative of the Forestry Service of the Ministry;

(e) a representative of the Prime Minister's Office;

(f) a representative of the Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life;

(g) a representative of the Ministry of Tourism:

(h) a representative of the Ministry of Local Government;

(1) a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science;

(j) a representative of the Ministry for Rodrigues;

(k) two members of the public with wide knowledge of the conservation of the natural resources of Mauritius;

  1. one person involved in tourism or outdoor recreation in Mauritius; and
  2. three persons actively involved in wildlife conservation or environmental protection.
(2) The members referred to in subsection (1) (j), (k), (l) and (m) shall -

(a) be appointed by the Minister;

(b) hold office for a period of one year;

(c) be eligible for reappointment.

(3) No member shall take part in or vote on any matter before the Advisory Council

in which the member, or an immediate relative of the member or a business associate of the

member, has, directly or indirectly, a pecuniary interest.

6 Meetings of the Advisory Council

(1) The Advisory Council shall meet -

(a) at least once every three months;

(b) at such time and place as the Chairman may appoint.

(2) Seven members shall constitute a quorum

(3) Subject to this section, the Advisory Council shall regulate its meetings and proceedings in such manner as it deems fit.

7 Appointment of committees

The Advisory Council may -

(a) appoint such committees consisting of two or more members;

(b) with the approval of the Minister , coopt such other persons as it thinks fits to assist the Council.


8 The National Parks and Conservation Service

There shall be a National Parks and Conservation Service which shall consist of such scientific, technical, administrative and other staff as may be appointed to carry out duties under this Act.

9 The Director of National Parks and Conservation Service

(1) There shall be a Director of National Parks and Conservation Service.

(2) The Director shall have administrative control of the National Parks and Conservation Service, and perform such other conservation work as may be assigned to him by the Minister.

(3) The Director shall attend all meetings of the Advisory council and provide scientific and technical advice to the Advisory Council.

(4) The Director may, with the approval of the Permanent Secretary, delegate any of his functions to such officer as he may determine.

10 Functions of the Director

(1) The Director shall, subject to this Act, -

(a) keep under review the need to reserve land under this Act and promote conservation in relation to the use or development of land generally;

(b) carry out management operations, research and other activities that are desirable in connection with the administration of this Act, including the management of reserved land and the conservaition of wildlife within a national park and in such other areas as may be entrusted to his management by the Minister;

(c) carry out educational activities and provide and disseminate information, related to reserved land and to the conservation of wildlife within the national parks and to other matters arising in connection with the administration of this Act;

(d) furnish the Advisory Council such information as it may require;

(e) prepare and keep under review management plans in relation to reserved lands;

(f) submit to the Permanent Secretary, for presentation to the Minister, within four months of the end of each year, a report on the activities of the Service during that year.

(2) In the exercise of his functions under this Act, the Director shall act in accordance with such directives as he may receive from the Minister.


11 Proclamation of National Parks and Other Reserves

(1) The President may, by Proclamation, declare any State land, nature reserve, Pas Géométriques, or other land to be a national park or other reserve where -

(a) such land is of natural, scenic, scientific, educational, recreational or other irnportance or value to the State;

(b) the preservation of the land is necessary to properly protect ,to permit access to, or management of, or to allow public viewing or enjoyment of an area of such land.

(2) Notwithstanding any other enactment, no work or development shall take place on a reserved land unless it is approved by the Minister or in a management plan under section13.

[Amended 48/91]

12 Buffer Zones for reserved lands

(1) The Minister may, by regulation, declare any land adjoining a reserved land to be a buffer zone for that reserved land.

(2) Notwithstanding any other enactment, a buffer zone shall not, except with the approval in writing of the Minister and subject to such conditions as the Minister may impose, be put to any use which may have a negaitive effect, whether direct or indirect, on the reserved land, or plants or animals within the reserved land.

13 Management plans for reserved land

(1) The Director shall prepare, for submission to the Minister, a management plan for each area of reserved land, together with any, adjoining buffer zones.

(2) A management plan may relate to part of an area of reserved land, or to more than one area of reserved land.

(3) A management plan -

(a) shall contain information regarding the relevant reserved land or buffer zone, statements of objectives for management and prescriptions for the management of the subject land;

(b) may designate zones within reserved land to which the public shall not have access except upon written authorisation by the Minister.

(4) (a) The Director shall provide a copy of a draft of each management plan to the Advisory Council.

(b) The Advisory Council shall within 30 days of receipt of the draft, submit its comments to the Director.

(5) On receipt of the comments of the Advisory, Council, the Director shall submit a draft of each management plan to the Minister, together with the comments of the Advisory Council and shall advise the Minister of any changes which have been made to the draft in the light of these comments.

(6) Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Director shall publish a draft of each management plan and shall cause a notice to be printed in at least two local newspapers stating where copies of the draft plan may be inspected and purchased.

(7) Any person may within 60 days from the publication of any notice under subsection (6) make written representations to the Permanent secretary in relation to the draft management plan.

(8) In response to any representation made under subsection 17) the Director may make such amendments to the draft plan as the Permanent Secretary may approve.

(9) The Director shall submit each draft management plan, incorporating any amendment made under subsection (8), to the Minister for approval.

(10) A management plan, once approved by the Minister, -

(a) shall come into effect upon the publication in the Gazette of a notice advising of that approval,

(b) shall be published and made available for purchase by any, person; and

(c) shall be binding in relation to the management and use of the subject reserved land and related buffer zones.

(11) A management plan may be amended or replaced by a subsequent management plan prepared in accordance with this section.

14 Licences and leases on reserved land

(1) Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Director may, on specified terms and conditions, issue licences authorising the sale of goods or the provision of services to visitors within, or in relation to, reserved land or the carrying out of other activities of a commercial nature within reserved lands.

(2) No person shall, within reserved land, sell any goods, provide any service for a fee or carry out any other activity of a commercial nature without a licence issued under subsection (1).

(3) A licence issued under subsection (1) shall be for a term not exceeding 12 months but may be renewed at the discretion of the Minister.

(4) (a) No licence issued pursuant to subsection (1) shall allow the holder to exclusively occupy any area within any reserved land or to erect any building, or to use or remove any resources of that land unless provision for such a licence is included in an approved management plan applying to the subject land.

(b) Where no management plan is in force in relation to reserved land the Minister may, approve the issue of a licence under this section where he is satisfied that such a licence is consistent with the purposes for which the reserve was established.

(5) Subject to the approval of the Minister ,the Director may, on specified terms and conditions, grant leases to use or occupy reserved land, or to undertake specified activities, provided the purposes of such leases, are not inconsistent with the purposes for which the land has been reserved.

(6) A lease granted pursuant to subsection (5) shall be for a term not exceeding seven years but may be renewed with the approval of the Minister.

(7) No lease granted pursuant to subsection (5) shall allow, the holder to exclusively occupy any area within any, reserved land or to erect any building, or to use or remove any, resources of that land unless provision for such a lease is included is an approved management plan applying to that reserved land


l5 Protected Wild Life

(1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall, except in accordance with a permit issued by the authorised officer -

(a) hunt, rear, have in possession, purchase, sell or export, any protected wildlife or wildlife product derived from protected wildlife;

(b) have in his possession, purchase, sell or export any dead protected wildlife or stuffed specimen of protected wildlife.

(2) Any person may, except for the purpose of trade -

(a) capture for the purpose of rearing;

(b) rear,

any bird of a species specified in the Third Schedule.

16 Birds

No person shall, except with the written approval of the authorised officer-

(a) take or destroy the egg or nest of any wild bird other than a bird of a species specified in the Second Schedule;

(b) sell or buy any bird of a species specified in the First Schedule during a close season;

(c) kill or otherwise destroy any bird of a species specified in the Third Schedule or the Fourth Schedule.

17 Trading in prescribed Wildlife

(1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall, except with a permit issued by the authorised officer and subject to such conditions including the payment of such fees as may be prescribed -

(a) bread, hunt, obtain by any means or have in his possession any prescribed species of wildlife or obtain or have in possession any products of prescribed species of wildlife;

(b) buy, sell or otherwise trade in any prescribed species of wildlife or any products thereof,

  1. export from Mauritius or import into Mauritius any prescribed species of wildlife or any product thereof,
  2. assist in, or facilitate, the export from Mauritius or import into Mauritius of any prescribed species of wildlife or any product thereof unless he has ascertained that a permit has been issued by the authorised officer in respect of such export or import.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person may keep as a pet an individual specimen of any species of wildlife as may be prescribed for the purposes of this subsection.

18 Hunting

(1) No person shall -

(a) hunt any wildlife or carry any hunting equipment on land owned or occupied by another person except -

(i) with the occupier's consent; or

(ii) where the land is not occupied, with the owner's consent;

(b) hunt any wildlife by night;

(c) hunt any wildlife by means of

(i) a drug, poison or a poisoned weapon or bait;

(ii) an explosive;

(iii) fire;

(iv) a firearm capable of firing more than one round at a time;

(v) a missile containing a detonator

(vi) a pit.

(2) No person shall -

(a) hunt by means of:

(h) purchase or sell;

(c) have in his possession, a snare or gin trap.

19 Hunting of game

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), and to section 18, no person shall hunt -

(a) any game -

(i) unless he is the holder of a current game licence;

(ii) from a vehicle;

(iii) with the aid of artificial light;

(b) any prescribed game at any time other than during the period prescribed in relation thereto;

(c) any deer -

(1) with a fire arm of 0.22 or smaller calibre;

(it) with a shotgun loaded with lead shot.

  1. The authorised officer may, subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, authorise any person to hunt game for scientific purposes or for game management purposes or any time of the year and by any method which he may approve.

(a) Subject to paragraph (b), a person or anyone authorised by him may hunt any game found straying on any cultivated portion of that person's land or damaging that person's crop.

(b) Where a person, acting under paragraph (a), kills any game, that person shall forwith send the carcass to the nearest police station and the police officer in charge of the station shall forward the carcass to a social security officer for disposal.

(4) (a) The authorised officer may, require the carcass of any game to be marked for identification purposes.

(b) No person shall deface any mark placed on the carcass of game under Paragraph (a)

20 Game licences

(1) Subject to subsection (4), an application for a game licence shall -

(a) be made to the Commissioner of Police; and

(b) be in the form specified in Part I of the Fifth schedule.

(2) Subject to section 21, the Commissioner of Police may, on receipt of an

application under subsection (1) -

(a) in the Island of Mauritius, approve the issue of the licence and grant a certificate to that effect to the applicant,

(b) in Rodrigues, grant a licence on payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) The Accountant General shall, on production of a certificate issued under subsection (2)(a) and on payment of the prescribed fee, grant the licence applied for.


(a) A bona fide visitor to Mauritius who is not the holder of a Mauritius passport and who wishes to obtain a visitor's game licence shall make a written application in the form specified in Part II of the Fifth schedule to a Superintendent of Police.

(b) The Superintendent may, on receipt of an application under paragraph (a) and on payment of the prescribed fee, grant, on such conditions as he thinks fit, a visitor's game licence in the form specified in Part III of the Fifth schedule.

21 Restriction on issue of game licences

(1) No game licence shall be issued to -

(a) a minor;

(b) a person who has, within the five years preceding the date of the application, been convicted of an offence under this Act or any enactment repealed by this Act.

(2) No game licence shall be issued to a gamekeeper except with the written consent of that gamekeeper's employer.

22 Transfer of game licences

(1) Subject to subsection (2), no game licence shall be transferable.

(2) (a) The Commissioner of Police may, on the application of the employer of a gamekeeper, transfer the game licence of that gamekeeper to another gamekeeper in the service of that employer.

(b) where a game licence is transferred under paragraph (a), the name of the new gamekeeper shall be endorsed on the licence by the Commissioner of Police.

23 Introduction of animals

(1) No living animal, other than livestock or fish, shall be introduced into Mauritius without a permit issued by the authorised officer.

(2) where any species of wildlife, including game, specified in the First, Second or Third Schedule or any other bird or insect is not found of an island comprised within the State of Mauritius, no person shall, except with the written authorisation of the authorised officer, introduce that species of wildlife or other bird or insect in that island.

24 Camarons and shrimps

(1) No person shall -

(a) catch or sell any berried female camaron at any time;

(b) catch or sell any camaron of less than 8.5 centimetres in length measured from the back of the eye to the tip of the tail;

(c) fish for camarons or shrimps with -

(i) any explosive or poisonous substance;

(ii) the aid of artificial light;

(d) subject to subsection (2), catch any camaron or shrimp in any natural watercourse except with the written authority of the authorised officer.

(2) Subject to subsection (1) (a), (b)and (c), any person who owns land bordered or crossed by a natural watercourse or any person authorised by him in writing, may catch or fish for camarons or shrimps -

(a) where the watercourse borders the land, in the portion of the watercourse bordering the land up to the middle line;

(b) where the watercourse crosses the land, in the portion of the watercourse running across the land.

(3) It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (1) (a) or (b) to show that the camaron was forthwith returned to the water with the least possible injury.

(4) No person shall sell any camaron or shrimp unless he is the holder of a permit issued by the authorised officer.


25 National Parks and Conservation Fund

(1) There is established for the purposes of this Act a National Parks and Conservation Fund.

(2) The Fund shall be administered by a Managing Committee consisting of-

(a) the Permanent Secretary as Chairman

(b) the Director; and

(c) 2 persons appointed by the Minister.

(3) The Fund shall consist of-

(a) such sums of money as may be appropriated by the National Assembly for any of the purposes of this Act;

(b) any grants or donations made to the Fund;

(c) the proceeds from the sale of any produce of reserved lands except timber;

(d) any money that is payable under this Act including all fees rent and other charges arising from the authorised use of reserved lands;

(e) any licence or other fees paid in accordance with this Act.

(4) (a) The assets of the Fund shall be applied to the payment of any expenses which may be incurred by the Director in performing functions under this Act.

(b) No disbursement of money shall be made from the Fund except -

(ii) for the purposes of the Act; and

(ii) with the authorisation of the Managing Committee.

(5) The Managing Committee shall, not later than 3 months after the end of each financial year, prepare and submit to the Director of Audit -

(a) an annual statement of the receipts and payments of the Fund for that financial year and

(b) a Balance Sheet made up at the end of that financial year showing the assets and liabilities of the Fund.

(6) The Managing Committee shall, not later than six months after the end of each financial year, furnish to the Minister -

  1. a report dealing with the activities and financial position of the Fund during that financial year and
  2. a copy of the audited accounts of the Fund for that financial year, together with the Auditors' Report on those accounts.

26 Offences and penalties

(1) Any person who contravenes any provision of this Act or any regulation made under it shall commit an offence.

(2) Any person who commits an offence shall on conviction -

(a) where the offence relates to a species of wildlife listed in the Fourth Schedule, be liable to a fine not exceeding 100,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years;

(b) in any other case, be liable to a fine not exceeding 50,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years.

27 Powers of officers in relation to offenders

(1) Where an officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has committed, or is committing, an offence against this Act, the officer may require that person to state his full name and address.

(2) Where a person is found committing an offence within any reserved land, an officer may require that person to leave the reserved land.

(3) A person who, when required under this section to state his full name and address, fails or refuses to do so or gives a name or address that is false shall commit an offence.

(4) Any person who, when required under this section to leave any land, refuses to do so, shall commit an offence.

28 Powers of entry, search, seizure and arrest

(1) Where a Magistrate is satisfied by information given on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe than an offence under this Act in relation to wildlife has been, is being, or is about to be committed, the Magistrate may issue a warrant authorising an officer to enter any land or premises and to search for any wildlife subject-matter of such offence.

(2) Where a person is found hunting or carrying hunting equipment in contravention of this Act on any land, an officer may, for the purposes of this Act enter the land without a warrant.

  1. Where a police officer not below the rank of Inspector, or any other officer designated by the Permanent Secretary reasonably suspects that an offence is being committed or is about to be committed, and is satisfied that it is impracticable, for reasons of urgency, to seek a warrant from a Magistrate, he may, without a warrant -
(a) enter and search any premises;

(b) stop and search any vehicle;

(c) seize any hunting equipment or other device used in contravention of this Act together with any vehicle used to assist in or facilitate such contravention;

(d) seize‚ any wildlife obtained or possessed in contravention of this Act.

(4) For the purposes of this Act, any officer may, at any time, enter -

(a) any land adjacent to reserved land;

(b) any land which it is convenient to cross in order to reach any reserved land.

(5) Any person who commits an offence under this Act in relation to wildlife may be arrested without warrant by the owner occupier of the land on which the offence has been committed or by any person authorised by the owner or occupier or by any officer

(6) Any hunting equipment or device and any product of wildlife found in the possession of a person arrested under this section may be seized by the officer.

(7) The officer may dispose, in such manner as may be approved by the authorised officer, of any wildlife product of a perishable nature seized under this section.

29 Jurisdiction

Notwithstanding -

(a) section 114 of the Courts Act;

(b) section 72 of the district and Intermediate Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act a district Court shall have power to hear, try and determine any charge brought under this Act and may impose any penalty provided under this Act.


30 Regulations

(1) The Minister may make such regulations as he thinks fit for the purposes of this Act.

(2) Any regulation made under subsection (1) may provide for -

(a) the amendment of any of the Schedules;

(b) the prohibition of the hunting of any game or the carrying or use of any hunting equipment

31 Coordination with other laws

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, or any provision of the Forests and Reserves Act 1986 or the Fisheries Act -

(a) an officer of the Service acting in the course of his duties may hunt, drive, capture, impound, shoot or otherwise dispose of any animal, and may cut, trim, dig, remove or bum any plant seed, egg, nest, soil, mineral, sand, coral, structure or other item or any part there of in reserved land;

(b) an officer of the Service may introduce plants and animals into reserved land where necessary or expedient in the opinion of the Director to accomplish the objectives of this Act,

(c) the Director may, with the approval of the Permanent Secretary, authorise any other person to undertake work described in paragraphs (a) and (b), subject to such conditions as the Director may think fit.

(2) The declaration of reserved land under section 11 and the preparation of management plans under section 13 shall not be subject to Part IV of the Environment Protection Act 1991.

32 Repeal

The following enactments are repealed -

(a) the Wild Birds Protection Proclamation 1977;

(b) the Wildlife Act 1983.

33 -

34 Transitional provisions

(1) Any game licence issued under the Wildlife Act 1983 and in force at the time of the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to have been issued under this Act and shall remain in force for the period for which it was issued.

(2) Any other licence or authority issued under the Wildlife Act 1983 and in force at the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to have been issued under this Act and shall remain in force for any period for which it was issued or until a day one year from the commencement of this Act, whichever is the earlier.

(3) (a) Subject to paragraph (b), any person holding or possessing wildlife the holding or possession of which requires a licence under this Act shall within three months of the commencement of this Act apply for a licence in accordance with this Act.

(b) Paragraph (a) shall not apply in relation to trading in, importing or exporting any form of wildlife or wildlife products.

35 Commencement

This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by Proclamation

First schedule

(sections 2,16 and 19)

Common Name Scientific name Hunting Period


Partridge(perdrix) Francolinus spp. From 2 April to 14 August

Quail(caille) Coturnix japonica From 2 April to 14 August

Wild guinea fowl Numida spp From 16 April to 14 September

(pindate sauvage)


Deer (cerfs), Other than fawns Cervus timorensis From lst Saturday, Of June to last Sunday of September

Hare (lievre) lepus nigricolis Open

Wild pig (cochon marron) Sus spp. Open

[Amended GN 92/94]


(sections 2,15 and 16)



Common Name Scientific Name


Butterflies All species except Papiliomanlius

and Euploea euphon

Snails (terrestrial) All species


Toad, common Bufo regularis


Gecko, house Hemidaetylus frenatus

Gecko, house Hemiphyllodactylus typus

I.izard, agama Calotes

(cameleon) versicolor

snake, blind Typhlina bramina

snake, wolf (couleuvre) Lycodon aulicus


Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus

Bulbul red whiskered (conde) Pycnonotus jocusus

Canary Serinus canaria

cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus

Crow (corbeau) Corvus splendens

Dove, ring-neck Streptopelia risoria

Dove, rock Colomba livia

(pigeon domestique)

Finch, Gouldian Chloebia gouldiae

Finch, zebra Taeniopygia guttata

Mynah, Indian (martin) Acridotheres tristis

Pheasant, golden Crysolophus pictus

Pheasant, lady Amphyrst Crysolophus arnberstiae

Pheasant, ring-necked Phasianus colchicus

Pheasant, silver Lophura nycthemera

Ring necked parakeet (petite cateau verte) Psittacula krarneri

Schlug schlug (weaver) Ploceus cucullatus

(serin de Natal)

Sparrow (moineau) Passer domesticus

sparrow, java Padda oryzivora


Mongoose Herpestes auropunctatus

Monkey (jacot) Macaca fascicularis

Mouse (souris) Mus spp.

Rabbit (lapin) Oryctolagus cuniculus

Rat Rattus spp.

Shrew, Indian house Suncus murinus

Tenrec (tendrac) Tenrec ecaudatus



Canary, yellow-fronted serinus mozambicus

(serin du pays)

Dove, barred ground Geopedia striata

(petite tourterelle)

Dove, Madagascar turtle streptopelia picturata

(pigeon ramier)

Dove, spotted (grosse tourterelle streptopelia chinensis

a collier)

Finch, spice (pingo) Lonchura punctulata

Fody, Madagascar (cardinal) Foudia madagascariensis

Waxbill (Bengali) Estrilda astrild




Common Name Scientific.name

Reptiles -

Boa, burrowing (Round Island) Bolyeria multicarinata

Boa, keel-scaled (Round Island) Casarea dussumieri

Gecko, green Phelsuma guimbeaui

Gecko, Gunthers Phelsuma guentheri

Night gecko, Coin de mire Nacius coindernirensis

Night gecko, Serpent Island Nacius serpensinsula

skink, Bojers Scelotes bojerii

Skink, Boutons Cryptoblepharus boutonii

skink, Telfairs Leiolopisma telfairii

Tortoise, Aldabra giant Geochelone [Testudo] elephantopus

Tortoise, Malagasy radiated Geochelone [Testudo] radiata


Bulbul or merle, Mauritius Hypsipetes olivaceus

(merle Charpentier)

Cuckoo shrike, Mauritius Coracina typica

(merle cuisinier)

Flycatcher, Mauritius Terpsiphone bourbonnensis

(coq de bois)

Fody, Mauritius Foudia rubra

(oiseau banane)

Fody, Rodrigues Foudia flavicans

(cardinal jaune)

Kestrel, Mauritius Falco punctatus


Parakeet, Mauritius or echo Psittacula eques (echo)

(grosse cateau)

Petrel, Trinidade Pterodroma arminjoniana

Pigeon, Mauritius pink Columba (Nesoenas) mayeri

(Pigeon des mares)

Swallow, Mascarene Phedina borbonica

Swiftlet, Mascarene cave Collocalia francica

Tropic bird, white tailed (paille en Phaethon rubricauda

queue a brins rouges)

Tropic bird, white-tailed Phaethon lepturus

(paille en queue)

Warbler, Rodrigues (fauvette) Acrocephalus rodericana

White-eye, Mauritius grey Zosterops borbonicus

(oiseau pic-pic)

White-eye, Mauritius olive Zosterops chloronothos

(oiseau luuette)

Mammals -

Bat, free tailed Tadarida acetabulosus

Bat, Mauritian tomb Taphozous mauritianus

Bat, Mauritian fruit Pteropus niger

(chauve souris)

Bat, Radrigues fruit Pieropus rodricensis

(chauve souris)

[Amended GN 92 / 94]


(section 20)


(section 20 (1) (b))



Family name

Given names

Residential address

Identity Card No........................................ Date of birth ...............................


Height (centimetres).................................


Colour of hair......................................

Colour of eyes ............................................

Any distinctive marks ...................................

I certify that the particulars stated above and relating to me are correct and hereby apply for a

game licence for the year ending 31 December 19……

I further certify that I have acquainted myself with the provisions of the Wildlife and National

Parks Act 1993 and that I shall comply with these provisions in particular and any other relevant laws of

Mauritius in general.

Signature of Applicant

Endorsement by Employer*

I,................................................am the employer of the applicant, a gamekeeper.

I hereby consent to the grant of the above application.


Signature of Employer

This application must be accompanied by two passport-size photographs of the applicant.

[Amended GN 92 / 94]


(section 20 (4) (a))



Family name............................................ Given names ………………….

Date of birth..................................

Height centimetres.......................................

Nationality ................................................

Passport No., place and date of issue..................

Date of arrival in Mauritius ..............

Intended date of departure.............................

Address in Mauritius....................…………….

I certify that the particulars stated above and relating to me are correct and hereby apply for a

visitor's game licence.

I further certify that I have acquainted myself with the provisions of the Wildlife and National

Parks Act 1993 and that I shall comply with these provisions in particular and any other relevant laws of

Mauritius in general

Date.................. ...... ..................

Signature of Applicant

[Amended GN 92/94]


(section 20 (4) (b))



Mr/Mrs ............... ............... ............... ...........................

residing at .......…............and holder of Passport No ...............,issued at ................

is hereby authorised to hunt game for one month as from ...............................................




Signature of Officer in Charge


Name of Officer in Charge


Police Station
[Amended GN 92 / 94]