The Diseases of Poultry Declaratory (Infected Area) (England) Order 2005
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The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred upon her by article 10(1) of the Diseases of Poultry (England) Order 2003 ("the 2003 Order")[1] (made under section 17(1) of the Animal Health Act 1981[2]), makes the following Order: Title, commencement and application 1. —(1) This Order may be cited as the Diseases of Poultry Declaratory (Infected Area) (England) Order 2005. (2) This Order applies in England only and comes into force at 9.30 p.m. on 15 July 2005. Declaration of infected area and division into protection and surveillance zones 2. —(1) The area described in Part 1 of the Schedule is an infected area to which the provisions of Schedule 2 to the 2003 Order apply, as specified below. (2) The part of the infected area described in Part 2 of the Schedule is a protection zone to which paragraphs 1 to 4 and paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 to the 2003 Order apply. (3) That part of the infected area which is not a protection zone is a surveillance zone to which paragraphs 5 to 8 and paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 to the 2003 Order apply. (4) Any premises partly within and partly outside the protection zone are deemed to be wholly within the protection zone. (5) Any licence issued under the 2003 Order before the coming into force of this Order is not valid for the purposes of the 2003 Order insofar as it applies to the infected area declared under this Order. In witness whereof the Official Seal of the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is hereunto affixed this 15th day of July 2005 at 9.15 p.m. L.S.
1. The infected area comprises that part of the county of Surrey contained within the following boundaries—
(b) Turn right onto minor road and continue to its junction with the A307. Turn left onto the A307 and continue to where it meets track at map ref TQ134638. Turn right and continue to where it meets track at map ref TQ138637. Turn right onto this track and continue south to where it meets another track at map ref TQ133628. Turn left onto this track and continue to where it meets the A244. (c) Continue south on the A244 to where it meets a minor road at map ref TQ141618. Turn left onto minor road and continue east then south-east until its junction with the B280 at map ref TQ150615. Turn left onto B280 and continue to where it meets a track at map ref TQ158617. Continue south then south-east on this track until its junction with the A243 at map ref TQ166598. (d) Turn right onto the A243 and continue south until its junction with the A244. Turn right onto the A244 and continue west to its junction with the B2430. Turn left onto the B2430 and continue to its junction with the A245. Turn left onto the A245 continue to its junction with a minor road at map ref TQ167572. Turn right onto minor road and continue to junction at map ref TQ171567. (e) Turn right onto a B road and continue east and then south until its junction with the A24. Continue south on the A24 until where it meets a track at map ref TQ168544. Turn right onto this track and continue south until its junction with A24. Turn right onto A24 and continue to where it meets a railway line at map ref TQ166525. (f) Continue south on railway line until it meets a road at map ref TQ169507. Turn right on to this road and continue south-west to its junction with an A road at map ref TQ162500, continue south on this A road to its junction with a minor road at map ref TQ162488, continue south on the minor road to its junction with a track at map ref TQ156468, turn right on this track and continue to where it meets a public footpath at map ref TQ151469. Continue south-west along this public footpath, via Broadmoor to where it meets a minor road at map ref TQ133449. (g) Turn right onto this minor road and continue to where it meets a public footpath at map ref TQ133450. Turn left onto the public footpath and continue west and then south to where it meets a minor road at map ref TQ127440. Turn left onto the minor road and continue to where it meets a track at map ref TQ128435. Continue south-west on this track to where it meets a bridleway at map ref TQ126431. Turn right onto this bridleway and continue west to where it meets the B2126. (h) Turn left onto the B2126 and continue to where it meets a public footpath at map ref TQ113431. Follow the public footpath west to where it meets a minor road at map ref TQ108433. Turn left on to this minor road and follow its course south-west to where it meets a minor road at map ref TQ102426. Turn right onto this minor road, continue to where it meets a public footpath at map ref TQ099430. Continue west along this public footpath to where it meets a minor road at map ref TQ090429. Turn left onto this minor road and continue south to its junction with a minor road at map ref TQ087423. (i) Turn right onto this minor road and continue east to its junction with a minor road at map ref TQ083421. Turn right onto this minor road and continue to its junction with a minor road at map ref TQ080424. Continue west along this minor road to its junction with a minor road at map ref TQ074422. Turn left onto this minor road until it meets a bridleway at map ref TQ073418. Continue west along the bridleway to where it meets a minor road at map ref TQ059423. Turn left onto this minor road and continue to its junction with another minor road at map ref TQ048414. Turn right onto this minor road and continue to its junction with the B2128. (j) Turn right onto the B2128 and continue to its junction with a minor road at map ref TQ040417. Continue west along this minor road to where it meets a bridleway at map ref TQ030419. Follow the bridleway north-west to where it meets a footpath at map ref TQ023427. Follow the footpath west to where it meets the A281. (k) Turn right onto the A281 and continue to where it meets a footpath at map ref TQ019428. Continue south-west and then west to where the footpath meets a minor road at map ref SU999421. Turn right onto this minor road and continue north to where it meets a public footpath at map ref SU999438. Follow the public footpath north-west to where it meets a minor road at map ref SU995442. Turn left onto this minor road, continue to where it meets a public footpath at map ref SU994439, follow the footpath north-west to where it meets the A3100. (l) Turn left onto the A3100 and continue to its junction with a minor road at map ref SU977445. Turn right onto this minor road and continue to its junction with another minor road at map ref SU977452. Continue north-west on this minor road to its junction with the B3000. (m) Turn left onto the B3000 and continue north-west until its junction with a minor road at map ref SU963465. Continue north on this minor road to where it meets a public footpath at map ref SU966475. Turn left onto this public footpath and continue west to where it meets a minor road at map ref SU957476. Turn right onto this minor road and continue north to where it meets a public footpath at map ref SU 959482. Continue north on this public footpath crossing the A3 to where it meets a track at map ref SU957490. Turn left onto this track and continue west and then south to where it meets the A3 at map ref SU954484. (n) Turn right onto the A3 and continue west to where it meets a track at map ref SU952484. Continue north on this track to where it meets a minor road at map ref SU949512. Continue north on this minor road to its junction with the A323 at map ref SU950525. Turn left onto the A323 and continue to junction with a minor road at map ref SU947526. Continue north-west on this minor road to where it meets a public footpath at map ref SU944530. (o) Follow the public footpath north and north-east to where it meets the B380 at map ref SU947543. Turn right onto B380 to where it meets a bridleway at map ref SU953544. Turn left onto the bridleway and continue to where it meets the B3032. Crossover the B3032 onto a public footpath and continue north-east and then north-west to where it meets a track a map ref SU954556. Continue north-west on this track to where it meets a minor road at map ref SU949561. Turn right onto this minor road and continue to its junction with the A322 at map ref SU958569. (p) Turn left onto the A322 and continue to where it meets a minor road at map ref SU957579. Turn right onto the minor road and continue to the junction with a minor road at map ref SU971592. Turn left onto this minor road and continue west until its junction a minor road at map ref SU965594. Turn right onto this minor road and continue north to where it meets a bridleway at map ref SU971612. Continue east on this bridleway to where it meets a minor road at map ref SU980613. (q) Continue east on the minor road to where it meets a public footpath at map ref SU985613. Turn left onto this public footpath and continue north until it meets the A319 at map ref SU983621. Turn right onto A319 and continue to where is meets a minor road at map ref SU989621. Turn left onto this minor road and continue north-east until you reach a path a map ref TQ005639. Continue on this path south-east to where it meets a track at map ref TQ008637. Turn left onto this track and continue north until it meets a waterway at map ref TQ014644. Follow this waterway east until it meets the A317. (r) Continue east on the A317, crossing the M25, and then north to where it meets the B375. Continue north on the B375 until it where it meets a waterway at map ref TQ049661. Follow the waterway east to where it meets the minor road at TQ075657. Continue east on the minor road to the junction with the A244 at map ref TQ093665. Turn right onto the A244 and continue to where it meets the A3050. Turn right onto the A3050 and continue to where it meets the minor road at map ref TQ090654. Continue south-east on this minor road to where it meets the B365. (s) Continue south on the B365 to where it meets the A317. Turn left onto A317 and continue to start point at map ref TQ108643.
2. The Protection zone comprises that part of the infected area contained within a circle with a radius of 4.6 kilometres, centred on grid reference TQ 059538. 3. Map references in this Schedule are to the Ordnance survey Landranger 1:50,000 series. (This note is not part of the Order) By this Order (which applies in England only), the Secretary of State declares the area described in Part I of the Schedule to be an infected area to which the restrictions contained in Schedule 2 to the Diseases of Poultry (England) Order 2003 (S.I. 2003/1078) apply. The infected area is divided into a protection zone and a surveillance zone, in which zones different restrictions apply. A map depicting the infected area is available at and copies may be inspected between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 1A Page Street, London SW1P 4PQ and at the offices of the Animal Health District Office: Liberty House, 105 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7JB. A full regulatory impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument. Notes: [1] S.I. 2003/1078.back
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