
Record Identifier:LEX-FAOC158615
Date of Entry:2016-09-29
Initials - Entry:hup
Initials - Modify:dba
Record Status:C
Major Record:Y
Primary Subject(s):PL-Cultivated plants
Language of the FAOLEX Record:E
Language of Received Document:English
Title of Text:Plant Protection and Health Act (Cap. 31).
Long Title:An Act to consolidate and reform the law relating to protection of plants against destructive diseases, pests and weeds, to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms that may adversely affect Uganda's agriculture, the natural environment and livelihood of the people, to ensure sustainable plant and environmental protection, to regulate the export and import of plants and plant products and introduction of new plants in accordance with international commitments on plant protection so as to protect and enhance the international reputation of Ugandan agricultural imports and exports, to entrust all plant protection regulatory functions to the Government, and for other related matters.
Type of Text:L
MCK verified:Y
Main/classifying keywords:402
plant protection
Keywords (PL):002; 085; 402; 313; 104; 086; 081; 114; 112; 032; 033; 806; 821
basic legislation; biosecurity; plant protection; pests/diseases; data collection/reporting; international trade; inspection; institution; international agreement-implementation; enforcement/compliance; offences/penalties; comparative analysis; governance
Comments:This Act is enacted as Act No. 6 of 2016.
Date of Text:2015-02-11
Repeals:[LEX-FAOC008987] - Plant Protection Act (Cap. 31). 1937-07-15 (repealed)
Related international instruments:[TRE-000130] International Plant Protection Convention ( IPPC )
Related Web Site:www.parliament.go.ug
Related Files: uga158615.pdf
Abstract:This Act makes provision for the protection of plants from diseases and pests. It consists of 32 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration, Officers And Duties (II); Prevention and Control of Pests, Weeds and Diseases (III); Import And Export Control (IV); Offences and Penalties (V); Miscellaneous Provisions (VI). The Phytosanitary and Inspection Service in the Department responsible for Crop Protection shall be responsible for the protection of the agricultural resources of Uganda from harmful organisms that exist in the country or could be introduced into the country. The Commissioner for Crop Protection shall be responsible for the administration of this Act. Inspectors shall be appointed by the Minister. The Minister shall appoint a Plant Protection and Health Technical Committee. The Minister may, by statutory instrument make rules for the purpose of preventing and controlling attacks by or spread of harmful organisms or diseases in Uganda.