
Record Identifier:LEX-FAOC192396
Date of Entry:2020-01-28
Initials - Entry:hup
Initials - Modify:dba
Record Status:C
Major Record:Y
Domain(s):EN; WA; WB
Primary Subject(s):WB-Wild species & ecosystems
Language of the FAOLEX Record:E
Language of Received Document:English
Title of Text:Uganda Wildlife Act, 2019.
Long Title:An Act to provide for the conservation and sustainable management of wildlife; to strengthen wildlife conservation and management; to continue the existence of the Uganda Wildlife Authority; to streamline the roles and responsibilities of institutions involved in wildlife conservation and management; to continue the existence of the Wildlife Fund; repeal of the Uganda Wildlife Act, Cap. 200 and for related matters.
Type of Text:L
MCK verified:Y
Main/classifying keywords:238; 577
ecosystem conservation; trade in species
Keywords (EN):058
environmental impact assessment (EIA)
Keywords (WA):238
ecosystem conservation
Keywords (WB):001; 601; 710; 327; 575; 021; 551; 557; 553; 086; 562; 564; 114; 112; 019; 099; 103; 033; 656; 840; 806; 577; 821
framework law; biodiversity; protected area; national parks; protection of habitats; management/conservation; hunting/capture; dangerous animal/harmful animal; wild fauna; international trade; wildlife products; wild flora; institution; international agreement-implementation; policy/planning; special fund; legal proceedings/administrative proceedings; offences/penalties; community management; protection of species; comparative analysis; trade in species; governance
Comments:A statutory instrument made under the Wildlife Act, Cap. 200 and which is in force immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall, remain in force, so far as it is not inconsistent with this Act, until it is revoked by a statutory instrument made under this Act and until that revocation, shall be deemed to have been made under this Act.
Date of Text:2019-07-01
Repeals:[LEX-FAOC009000] - Uganda Wildlife Act, 1996 (Cap. 2000). 1996-05-14 (repealed)
Related international instruments:[TRE-000483] Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES )
Related Web Site:www.parliament.go.ug
Related Files: uga192396.pdf
Abstract:This Act provides for the conservation of wild animals and plants and the sustainable management of wildlife in Uganda. The text of the Act consists of 89 sections, which are divided into 12 Parts: Preliminary (I); Institutional Arrangements (II); General Management Measures (III); Wildlife Conservation Areas (IV); Wildlife Species (V); Wildlife Use Rights (VI); Professional Hunters and Trappers (VII); Management of Problem Animals (VIII); International Trade in Species and Specimens (IX); The Wildlife Fund (X); Penalties, Forfeitures and Other legal Proceedings (XI); Miscellaneous (XII). The Act is completed by four Schedules.

Purposes of the Act are, inter alia: The maintenance of wildlife species at optimum levels commensurate with other forms of land use, in order to support sustainable utilisation of wildlife for the benefit of the people of Uganda; the conservation of selected examples of wildlife communities, the protection of rare, endangered and endemic species of wild plants and animals; the ecologically acceptable control of problem animals; the sustainable management of wildlife conservation areas; the control of import, export and re-export of wildlife species and specimens. Wildlife means any wild plant or animal species or their derivative products that are indigenous, migrated to or introduced in Uganda.

The ownership of a wild animal and wild plant existing in the wild habitat in Uganda is vested in the Government on behalf of, and for the benefit of, the people of Uganda. The Uganda Wildlife Authority is continued as a body corporate. Overall supervision of matters regulated by this Act lies with the Ministry responsible for wildlife. The Authority shall in consultation with the National Environment Management Authority carry out audits and monitoring or cause audits and monitoring of projects that impact on wildlife to be carried out in accordance with the National Environment Act, 2019 and any regulations made under that Act. The CITES Management Authority shall on the recommendation of the Board set annual species quotas in relation to a wildlife use right that involves extractive utilization of a wildlife species. It may, on the advice of the CITES Scientific Authority, issue to any person a permit in a prescribed form to import, export or re-export any wildlife species or wildlife specimen.

The Act sets out the procedure for the declaration of wildlife conservation area, which can be a wildlife protected area or a wildlife management area. A wildlife protected area shall be- (a) a national park;(b) a wildlife reserve; or (c) any other area the Minister may declare as a wildlife protected area. A wildlife management area shall be- (a) a wildlife sanctuary; (b) a community wildlife management area; or (c) any other area the Minister may declare as a wildlife management area. A wildlife protected area may be declared for the purpose of, amongst others, (a) to preserve selected examples of the biotic communities of Uganda and their physical environments; (b) to assist in water catchment conservation. The purpose of declaring a wildlife management area can be, amongst others, to manage and control the use of land by people and communities living in the area so that it is possible for wildlife, the people and communities to coexist and for wildlife to be protected. The Act establishes a Community Wildlife Committee for each wildlife conservation area. A developer desiring to undertake a project which may have a significant effect on any wildlife specie or community shall undertake an environmental impact assessment in accordance with the National Environment Act, 2019.