Port State Measures

Record status:C
Faolex ID:LEX-FAOC004296
In force:Y
Country:Fiji [FIJ]
Language of the record:EN
Date of Text:1965-02-06
Type of legal instrument:National legislation
Reference of measure:Fisheries Regulations (Chapter 158, Section 9), section 25
Measure cited in full:Section 25. Porpoises and dolphins.
No person shall kill, take, sell or offer or expose for sale any porpoise or dolphin of the genera Phocaena or Delphis (babale). For the purpose of avoiding doubt, the expression “dolphin” used in this regulation shall not be deemed to refer to the fish commonly known as a dolphin but of the genus Coryphaena.
Species:Spectacled porpoise [SPP]; Harbour porpoise [PHR]; Burmeister's porpoise [BRP]; Vaquita [VAQ]; Finless porpoise [PFI]; Dall's porpoise [PDA]
Type of measure:Trade-related measures
Vessel (by flag):All vessels
Competence area:All waters
Internal comments:Species: phocaena
PSM export identifier:FJI_8
Record identifier:PSM-000771
Sent to PMS:2008-06-23
Date of entry:2017-04-02
Initials - entry:imp