Port State Measures

Record status:C
Faolex ID:LEX-FAOC004296
In force:Y
Country:Fiji [FIJ]
Language of the record:EN
Date of Text:1965-02-06
Type of legal instrument:National legislation
Reference of measure:Fisheries Regulations (Chapter 158, Section 9), section 26
Measure cited in full:Section 26. Export of fish.
No person shall export from Fiji--
(a) live fish of any kind whatsoever;
(b) turtle flesh.
(c) turtle shell unless worked into jewellery or otherwise processed into a form approved by the Permanent Secretary for Primary Industries and Cooperatives.”
All aquatic species:Y
Type of measure:Trade-related measures
Vessel (by flag):All vessels
Competence area:All waters
PSM export identifier:FJI_11
Record identifier:PSM-000774
Sent to PMS:2008-06-23
Date of entry:2017-04-02
Initials - entry:imp