Port State Measures

Record status:C
Faolex ID:LEX-FAOC020670
In force:Y
Country:Türkiye [TUR]
Language of the record:EN
Date of Text:1971-03-22
Type of legal instrument:National legislation
Reference of measure:Fisheries Law No. 1380, article 25
Measure cited in full:Article 25.Fishery products which are prohibited to catch out of season, prohibited varieties, types, weights, sizes and largeness can neither be sold, transported or processed during the closed fishing season.
Fishery products caught in spite of the prohibitions in articles 19 and 24 are confiscated and the poachers are punished according to the articles 29 and 34.
All aquatic species:Y
Type of measure:Trade-related measures
Vessel (by flag):All vessels
Competence area:All waters
PSM export identifier:TUR_10
Record identifier:PSM-001353
Sent to PMS:2008-04-22
Date of entry:2017-04-02
Initials - entry:imp