

Record identifier:TIM-000891
Record status:C
Country:Uganda [UGA]
Faolex ID:LEX-FAOC158615
In force:Y
Type of text:LE-Primary Legislation: Act/Law/Order
Date of Text:2015-02-11
Title:Plant Protection and Health Act (Cap. 31).
Reference:Arts. 2; 14-15; 21-22
Measures:Art.2 Interpretation. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires [...] ”Minister” means the Minister responsible for agriculture.
Art.14 National plant health measures, plant import control (1) except as provided for under this Act, the Seed and plant Act and any other relevant law, no plant. or plant products, harmful organism, beneficial organisms, soil, living cultures of genetically modified organism any fungus, bacterium. or any other microorganism or any other materials or substances specified under this Act, may be imported into Uganda except- (a) in accordance with the terms and conditions of a prescribed permit issued under this Act; (b) through a point of entry declared under section 20; (c) with a phytosanitary certificate. (2) Any person who imports any plant or plant products, harmful organisms, beneficial organisms, soil, living cultures of genetically modified organisms, any fungus, bacterium, or any other microorganism or any other materials or substances specified under this Act shall immediately declare them to the inspector. [...].
Art.15 Importation for research purposes (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the Minister, on the recommendation of the Plant Protection and Health Technical Committee, may for the purposes of essential scientific research or experiment, permit the importation into Uganda of anything not otherwise eligible for importation under this Act (2) The Minister shall not permit anything to be imported under sub-section (1) unless he or she is satisfied that its importation will not present significant threat to the agriculture or natural environment of Uganda. (3) An importation under this section shall be permitted subject to such safeguards and other terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Minister on the advise of the Plant Protection and Health Technical Committee.
Art.21 Export of plants, plant products etc. The Minister may from time to time, by statutory instrument, declare that any propagative material of a wild plant of potential genetic and economic importance, or crop plant and plant products carrying any harmful organism in excess of an amount specified in the notice shall not be exported from Uganda.
Art.22 Pre-export examination. (1) A person intending to export a consignment of plants or plant products to another country which requires such plants or plant materials to be accompanied by a phytosamtary certificate on importation shall submit the consignment for examination by an Inspector. (2) Any material submitted under subsection (1) shall be examined within fourteen days of the date of export or in accordance with the requirements of the country of destination, and if - (a) If the inspector is satisfied that the requirements for the issuance of a phytosanitary certificate have been met, he or she shall recommend for the issuance of phytosanitary certificate; (b) the material to be exported presents any risk for the exportation and spread of plant pests, or does not otherwise satisfy the provisions of this Act it shall, at the expense of the exporter, be subject to appropriate treatment in order to remove the risk or otherwise be denied a phytosanitary certificate.
Activity:CN-Conservation; IN-International Trade
Type of forest:GE-General
Target subject:GE-General; PS-Protected species
III. Processing, Transport and Trade:import, export and re-export of timber and timber products