

Record identifier:TIM-000896
Record status:C
Country:Uganda [UGA]
Faolex ID:LEX-FAOC192396
In force:Y
Type of text:LE-Primary Legislation: Act/Law/Order
Date of Text:2019-07-01
Title:Uganda Wildlife Act, 2019.
Measures:Art.64 Continuation of the Fund. (1) The Wildlife Fund established under the Uganda Wildlife Act, Cap. 200 shall continue to exist as if it was established under this Act. (2) The sources of funds for the Fund shall be- (a) sums appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Fund; (b) monies borrowed by the Board under section 66; (c) sums received for the purposes of the Fund by way of voluntary contributions; (d) payments made into the Fund under section 65; (e) sums or other assets donated for the purposes of the Fund by any foreign government, international agency, foreign institution or body with the approval of the Minister responsible for finance; (f) payment from fees and charges receivable under this Act; and (g) any other sums received by the Authority in the performance of its functions under this Act.
Art.65 Administration of the Fund. (1) The Board shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund. (2) The Executive Director shall ensure that all monies collected by the Authority are deposited into the Fund. (3) The Board may authorise the Executive Director to make withdrawals from the Fund to fulfil the functions of the Authority in accordance with the approved annual work plan and budget. (4) The Board shall authorize the Executive Director to pay twenty percent of the park entry fees collected from a wildlife protected area to the local government of the area surrounding the wildlife protected area from which the fees were collected as a conditional grant. (5) The Minister may on advice of the Board and in consultation with the local government and other relevant stakeholders, by statutory instrument, make regulations on the management of the revenue sharing in subsection (4).
Type of forest:GE-General
Target subject:GE-General
IV. Taxes and Fees:taxes and fees to be levied