

Record identifier:TIM-000842
Record status:C
Country:Uganda [UGA]
Faolex ID:LEX-FAOC096350
In force:Y
Sector:Land/Land-use planning
Type of text:LE-Primary Legislation: Act/Law/Order
Date of Text:1998-07-02
Title:Land Act (Cap. 227).
Reference:Arts.43; 45
Measures:Art.43 Utilisation of land according to various laws. A person who owns or occupies land shall manage and utilize the land in accordance with the Forests Act, the Mining Act, the National Environment Act, the Water Act, the Uganda Wildlife Act, and any other law.
Art.45 Land use planning and zoning. Any use of the land shall conform to the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act and any other law.
Type of forest:GE-General
Target subject:GE-General
I. Land Tenure and Forest Management:land use planning